( Файл был добавлен: 14.12.2010 в 19:10 | Размер: 882.37 Kb )
>ХОЧУ ЗАРЕГИТЬСЯ< для того чтобы скачать кликните по кнопке выше:
Реалистичный, умелый бот. Настройки и управления очень схожи с NiceBot.
Installation (Установка): Just install/extract the archive to up one level of your cstrike folder. Просто установите / разпакуйте архив на 1 уровень выше папки cstrike.
Examples: "C:\SIERRA\Half-Life" for Half-Life mod version of CS or "C:\SIERRA\Counter-Strike" for retail version of CS or "C:\Program Files\Steam\Steam\SteamApps\user@company.com\counter-strike"
For Steam users: After you installed the bot, go to your cstrike folder and set the
liblist.gam to "Read-Only" mode. You can do this by right-click on
liblist.gam -> choose "Properties" from the menu -> check the
"Read-Only" option on "General" tab.
+ FIXED: No duplicated names while detailnames turned off + Bots will pick up defuse kit now + Bots dont avoid HE Grenades now when friendlyfire turned off + Using PM's Steam and non-Steam fix + Supported other CS versions that re-packed for Steam + Menu command changed from "podbotmenu" to "ivpbotmenu" + Fixed Windows installer bug