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Скачать American Football Mod V.5.0 [Counter-Strike]

( Файл был добавлен: 06.03.2009 в 22:11 | Размер: 3.69 мб )

>ХОЧУ ЗАРЕГИТЬСЯ< для того чтобы скачать кликните по кнопке выше:



fm_bots (d:2) - How many football bots are spawned. (max 4)
fm_models (d:1) - If enabled, players will use NFL player models
fm_monthlystats (d:1) - If enabled, stats will be reset monthly and last month stats are randomly shown
fm_downs (d:3) - How many downs a team will get to pass the first down line until the ball is turned over
fm_helpmsg (d:1) - If enabled this will show help messages on top of each players screen
fm_kickoffs (d:1) - Enabled kickoffs to start a game and after TDs
fm_kickminlen (d:35) - Minimum length in yards the ball has to travel on a kickoff
fm_fieldgoals (d:1) - Enabled field goals
fm_maxscore (d:49) - The maximum score a team needs to reach until the game ends
fm_maxspeed (d:290) - The maximum running speed for each player
fm_burstspeed (d:350) - The maximum running speed of a player with Speed Burst activated
fm_maxpasses (d:4) - Max passes a team is allowed to throw per down
fm_cointoss (d:1) - If enabled, a coin toss occurs at the start of each game
fm_playclock (d:5) - Amount of time (in seconds) the QB and Safety get to start a down
fm_quarterclock (d:120) - Amount of time (in seconds) each quarter is
fm_scrimmaxteam (d:5) - If scrim mode is enabled, how many players each team is allowed
fm_allowpitch (d:1) - Allow player to pitch the football
fm_fumblerate (d:90) - How often a tackle results in a fumble (0 to disable)
fm_afktimer (d:40) - Time in seconds before a player is moved to spec if AFK
fm_allowdive (d:1) - Allow use of player diving
fm_allowburst (d:1) - Allow use of player Speed Bursts
fm_allowpushoff (d:1) - Allow player pushing/blocking
fm_allowstatreset (d:1) - Allow players to reset their stats

Команды игрока

say /qb - This will give the invoker the Quarterback Position
say /help - This will display the help menu
say /start - This will start a new game if people don't want to wait for it to do itself
say /switch - This will switch the invoker to the opposite team
press +USE key (default "e") - If enabled, this will make the player Speed Burst.
press +RELOAD key (default "r") - If enabled, this will make the player pitch the football.
press drop key (default "q") - If enabled, this will make the player Dive.
press radio1 key (default "z") - If enabled, this will make the player start a field goal.
press radio2 key (default "x") - If enabled, this will bring up the player model menu.

Команды админа
amx_setqb - Forces player to be the QB for their current team.
amx_setdown - Sets the current down for the team with possession of the ball.
amx_setscore - Sets the score of the given team.
amx_makeburst - Forces the player to use speed burst if he has a burst or not.
amx_makekick - Stops current down and forces a team to kickoff to the other team.
amx_scrim - Toggles tournament mode which will disable all team balancing, fumbles, autostart and no rushing.
amx_teamlock - Locks teams so players cannot change or switch
amx_setmodels - Enter team name and it loads the teams model and players
amx_end - Forces the current game to end.
amx_shake - Randomly mixes all the teams together. (Admins and bots are untouched)
American Football Mod V.5.0 American Football Mod V.5.0

При копировании материалов, ссылка на источник обязательна - http://www.prousers.ru/
Категория: Скачать Моды и Плагины | Добавил: FoXm@n
Просмотров: 3509 | Загрузок: 466 | Комментарии: 5 | Рейтинг: 5.0/2

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Всего комментариев: 5
5 demon0102   (24.08.2009 15:54) [Материал]
как в неё гамать народ?????????????????
